
GOOD Hello, world!

Ever stared at your favorite news website and wondered how to even begin reverse engineering your way back to the reality in the stories under those headlines? If you're running out of that kind of strength, then your old jammer friends in Negativland have a new browser extension -- and even a new album of music -- to help you begin taking the first genuine vacation of your entire life.


THE WORLD WILL DECIDE is the sequel album that concludes Negativland's interconnected two-part opus that began with TRUE FALSE in 2019.

And what better way to promote it than with a downloadable work of media art that seizes your Chrome browser and turns any website you've trained it upon into a real time visual for our TRUE FALSE track, ‘DISCERNMENT’?

The real fun begins when you load up your favorite trusted news source and watch recognizable fragments of today's news cycle mulched into something just as meaningful as the ads placed beside each of the facts.  Download the extension yourself and play it anywhere - MSNBC, Breitbart, Snopes, CDC, Al Jazeera, South China Morning Post, Fox News, Apple, New York Times, Facebook, WikipediaThe Guardian, Financial Times, Craigslist, Washington Post…  try them all!


View a video demonstration of the extension here:


Looking back before looking ahead, and in anticipation of the THE WORLD WILL DECIDE, this free Chrome extension of the TRUE FALSE track 'DISCERNMENT' can be downloaded from the Chrome Extension Store at this very moment.


Discernment.CRX was created in collaboration with digital artist Dina Kelberman, creator of the online projects I'm Google, Smoke & Fire, and the film The Goal Is To Live.